

Hormone Therapy

Getting older doesn’t have to mean slowing down! Hormone Replacement Therapy has long-lasting and anti-aging benefits.

Do you ever feel like something just isn’t right?
It could be your hormones.

Hormone imbalances often occur in men and women as we age. By the age of 20 for females and 30 for males, hormones start decreasing.

Getting older doesn’t have to mean slowing down! Hormone Replacement Therapy has long-lasting and anti-aging benefits. Not only do people feel much better with hormone replacement therapy, but the hormones are protective for the heart, brain, and bones as well as against many forms of cancer.

Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

  • Mood Changes, Depression, and Anxiety
  • Brain Fog, Memory Loss
  • Fatigue, Lack of Motivation
  • Low Libido
  • Decreased Muscle Strength, Joint Pain
  • Headaches
  • Weight Gain
  • Night Sweats

Feeling Better Starts with a Quick Blood Test, Contact us Today!

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Benefits of Balanced Hormones Include:

Improvement in Energy and Mood

Increase Mental Clarity

Feeling Better and Improvement in Quality of Life

Limit Age-Related Illness or Disease

Increase Ability to Lose Weight

Restore or Increase Sex Drive


Not all Hormone Replacement Options are the Same

The Healing Sanctuary uses Bioidentical Hormones, hormones from plant sources that are identical in structure to the hormones made in the body. Hormone pellets are not only natural, but they are the most efficacious means to bring about optimal physiological levels of hormones in the body.

Pellet Therapy: Through a simple procedure, the pellets are inserted just under the skin. Unlike other forms of hormones such as pills, injections, and creams, the hormone pellets will create stable levels that do not fluctuate up and down. Thus symptoms and health benefits will be constant. Results will usually be seen within 1-3 weeks although some people notice a difference in a couple days.


What Our Patients are Saying

“My libido has gone up and stayed up consistently since being on the pellets!

I’ve been on the pellets for over 3 years now and they have helped get rid of my hot flashes and helped decrease my mood swings.”

- Beth M