
“Find the Healing You are Looking For”

Condition: Endometriosis | Recurrent Miscarriage

Treatment: IV Nutrition & Ozone Therapy

Have you ever felt that you had to subject yourself to heartache and pain because there were no other options? Or because you thought you had tried everything? Meet Emma.  Emma was initially brought to The Healing Sanctuary in search of relief from her severe endometriosis. Having suffered with it since her teen years, it was now creating problems in both her private and professional life.  

For years, specialists had told her that she would just have to live with the pain and the other complications that come with endometriosis, so she was ready to try a different approach. In her search for a new doctor, Emma reached out to her sister.  She recommended Dr. Baker at The Healing Sanctuary saying “I know you’ll love him for two reasons.  One, he listens.  And two, you’re going to love him because he gives you the option of being able to do more natural medicine or you can choose whatever path you would like.  He lets you pick though”.  After years of feeling not listened to, Emma was willing to give it and Dr. Baker a try.

Dr. Baker performed laparoscopic surgery to check on the health of Emma’s uterus and ovaries and remove endometrial tissue.  They then met to discuss her options.  After years of suffering through the pain of endometriosis, Emma was ready for a hysterectomy.  When Dr. Baker suggested they try some natural routes and wait a bit to decide on a hysterectomy, she agreed to give it one more year.

A Miracle

Waiting another year turned out to be the best decision she could have made.  What happened next is nothing short of a miracle, Emma got pregnant.  During the fourteen years of her marriage, Emma had had thirteen miscarriages.  While she was able to get pregnant, her endometriosis made it impossible to carry past the 8-week point.  Obviously nervous about what could happen, Emma and her husband made an appointment to meet with Dr. Baker who told them “We are going to do absolutely everything to try and get you this baby.  We’re going to pull out all the stops.”  This is exactly what he did.

Using Eastern and Western Medicine

Dr. Baker wanted to use both Eastern and Western Medicine in Emma’s treatment.  She was put on progesterone and blood thinners, which she had done previously.  He then suggested blood therapy, specifically blood ozone which can boost immune response and help with pain along with a range of other conditions.  For the blood ozone therapy, The Healing Sanctuary would remove some of Emma’s blood, put it through a UV light to clean it, and ozone was added.  The blood would then be reintroduced back into her body where it could help fight any toxins or issues her body was having.   Emma was willing to try anything at this point and they agreed to go at it aggressively.  Along with vitamin packs to ensure she was as healthy as possible, ozone therapy was administered three times a week during her first trimester and then twice a week throughout the second trimester along with her normal visits.

Despite her workload doubling due to COVID, Emma says that she never felt better in her entire life than while she was pregnant.  With her previous pregnancies, she always felt nauseated and exhausted.  However, once starting the IV therapy, both issues completely went away.  In Emma’s words, “I felt absolutely 100% amazing!”   Not only did she feel great throughout her pregnancy, Emma also felt supported by Dr. Baker and the rest of the staff at The Healing Sanctuary.  “The staff is absolutely amazing!” she said “They’re so kind and loving like a little mini family.”  

Genuine Care from a Provider

Finding a doctor that would truly listen and include her in medical decisions, a doctor that genuinely cares about his patients, was something that Emma waited years to find.  At The Healing  Sanctuary, she finally found it, a doctor that made her feel like a top priority and was able to give her answers to concerns she had been searching for.  Their aggressive stance with treatments worked.  Emma and her husband now have the baby girl they waited fourteen years for.   “He truly is, in our lives, a miracle and he’s our hero.  I love Dr. Baker.  He means the world to our family and I’m so thankful for him.”

I would 100% recommend The Healing Sanctuary… going there months on end, having the various treatments, I truly saw miracles happen. And I hope that you get some of the same experiences that I have and that you find the healing that you are looking for.”

Emma Long

At The Healing Sanctuary, we want to work with you to get to the root cause of your issues. By using integrative medicine, we strive to treat our patients as people from day one. If you would like to book an appointment or get more information on IV Nutritional, Ozone Therapy, or our other services, please contact us at 208-497-0500.