
The Healing Sanctuary


A Full Spectrum of Integrated, Integrative, Functional Health Clinic Services


Building Update – Glimpses

Building Update – Glimpses

When we set out on the journey to renovate the historic Third Ward building in Idaho Falls for our clinic home, we really felt that we were going to go in, clean up, update some stuff, paint, and move in - maybe 6 months. Well, that just wasn't what the building was...

Pets and Depression

Pets and Depression

Pets and Depression. By Kazmin Nye, Lab Tech. The call was a complete surprise. The day after Christmas, my Grandmother died of a heart attack. Soft crying ensued and quickly turned into racking sobs. Just five minutes into my emotional frenzy, my dog Indiana appeared...

Summer, Sun, and … Sunscreen!

Summer, Sun, and … Sunscreen!

Summer, Sun, and ... Sunscreen! By Tyrie McWilliams, RN. Wahooo!!!! It’s that time of year again! The highly anticipated, never underestimated, dog days of summer are here! If you’re anything like me, you have been counting down the days until you can bust out the...

Detoxing Gingerly

Detoxing Gingerly

Detoxing Gingerly! By Healing Sanctuary Staff There is no way to avoid chemicals and toxins completely. It’s just a part of living in this world. They are in our food, the air we breathe, the water we drink, our cleaning products, our beauty products, building...

The Fish Oil Conundrum

The Fish Oil Conundrum

The Fish Oil Conundrum. By Healing Sanctuary Staff As most people are well aware, fish oil is something that many health providers are recommending to their patients to help with a multitude of problems.We recommend people to take fish oil to help reduce cholesterol,...


What Our Patients are Saying

“Listen to all my concerns at once and want to get to the actual cause instead of just treating symptoms”

- Dani Haack

“My doctors were very understanding and really helped my hearing”

- Chloe Stoddard

“I LOVE the functional medicine approach, and … help me overcome a long-term health condition”

- Rachel Skousen