Family Practice, General Healing, Men's Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Women's Health
Sodium – how much is too much? By Healing Sanctuary Staff In the 20 years of dietary counseling I have done, sodium remains the one dietary alteration that patients struggle the most with. This is unfortunate because this change can have the most drastic effects...
Dr. Baker Chats, Family Practice, Functional, General Healing, Integrated, Integrative, Men's Health, Mind Body, Women's Health
Our Aim at The Healing Sanctuary (THS). By Dr. Jeff Baker, MD. Our aim at THS may be unlike any you have encountered regarding a health care provider. Our goal is to help you reach optimal health. We strive to address the concerns and areas you want examined and...
General Healing, Integrative, Mind Body, Naturopathic
Pets and Depression. By Kazmin Nye, Lab Tech. The call was a complete surprise. The day after Christmas, my Grandmother died of a heart attack. Soft crying ensued and quickly turned into racking sobs. Just five minutes into my emotional frenzy, my dog Indiana appeared...
Family Practice, General Healing
Summer, Sun, and … Sunscreen! By Tyrie McWilliams, RN. Wahooo!!!! It’s that time of year again! The highly anticipated, never underestimated, dog days of summer are here! If you’re anything like me, you have been counting down the days until you can bust out the...
General Healing, Women's Health
A Glimpse into the Sometimes Difficult, Heartbreaking, and yet Rewarding Work of Our Sonographer. By Gwyn Grabner, RDMS. The title above may be a little bit dissuading, so let me start by emphasizing that I do, in fact, absolutely, love my job! I am extremely...
General Healing, Integrative, Naturopathic, Nutrition
The Fish Oil Conundrum. By Healing Sanctuary Staff As most people are well aware, fish oil is something that many health providers are recommending to their patients to help with a multitude of problems.We recommend people to take fish oil to help reduce cholesterol,...