Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is fairly common. Low testosterone and chronic viral infections are a common source of the problem. The Healing Sanctuary offers natural therapies including supplements and IV therapies which can help as well as optimizing your hormones.
Fatigue, brain fog, and low libido can all be signs of low testosterone in men and women. At The Healing Sanctuary, we do a natural bioidentical hormone therapy that comes from the plant. This can help you feel better, have more energy, as well as improve your bone,...
Better Eating? Seasonal Shopping! By Dr. Jeff Baker, MD. The farmers’ markets here in Eastern Idaho are beginning to offer up more abundant choices of local, fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats. I have long been an advocate of a seasonal diet, consuming the...
Our Aim at The Healing Sanctuary (THS). By Dr. Jeff Baker, MD. Our aim at THS may be unlike any you have encountered regarding a health care provider. Our goal is to help you reach optimal health. We strive to address the concerns and areas you want examined and...
Pets and Depression. By Kazmin Nye, Lab Tech. The call was a complete surprise. The day after Christmas, my Grandmother died of a heart attack. Soft crying ensued and quickly turned into racking sobs. Just five minutes into my emotional frenzy, my dog Indiana appeared...
Detoxing Gingerly! By Healing Sanctuary Staff There is no way to avoid chemicals and toxins completely. It’s just a part of living in this world. They are in our food, the air we breathe, the water we drink, our cleaning products, our beauty products, building...