
The Healing Sanctuary

Allergy Treatment

Allergy Testing and Immunotherapy Treatments

Tired of Allergy Symptoms?
Frustrated with itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose or trouble sleeping?

Life is stressful enough without suffering from allergic disease. Allergy symptoms, such as itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose or poor sleep and fatigue, are not only annoyances, but can lead to serious issues such as chronic stress.

Common Allergy Symptoms

  • Watery Eyes
  • Itchy Throat and Eyes
  • Runny Nose
  • Sneezing
  • Nasal Congestion 

Immunotherapy Treatments

You can greatly increase the quality of life for your patients by providing allergy testing and immunotherapy services in your own practice. We would love to discuss this patient-centered, cost-beneficial opportunity with you; schedule a brief call with us today.

Learn more from Taylor Smith, PA
Immunotherapy Treatments for Allergies

Feeling Better Starts with a Quick Blood Test, Contact us Today!



What Our Patients are Saying

“… listen to all my concerns at once and want to get to the actual cause instead of just treating symptoms…”

- Dani Haack

“my doctors were very understanding and really helped my hearing”

- Chloe Stoddard

“I LOVE the functional medicine approach, and … help me overcome a long-term health condition”

- Rachel Skousen