
The Healing Sanctuary


A Full Spectrum of Integrated, Integrative, Functional Health Clinic Services


Paths of Healing

Paths of Healing

The body is programmed to heal itself. The problem is, we make choices about what we eat, drink, and do that can decrease our healing potential. Here at The Healing Sanctuary, we can figure out what is blocking your healing paths or what your body may be deficient in....

Let Food Be Your Medicine

Let Food Be Your Medicine

"Let food be your medicine, let medicine be your food." --Hippocrates-- Poor nutrition can be a huge source of health problems. Processed foods are convenient, but very nutrient depleted. At The Healing Sanctuary, we offer nutrition programs and classes to teach the...


What Our Patients are Saying

“Listen to all my concerns at once and want to get to the actual cause instead of just treating symptoms”

- Dani Haack

“My doctors were very understanding and really helped my hearing”

- Chloe Stoddard

“I LOVE the functional medicine approach, and … help me overcome a long-term health condition”

- Rachel Skousen